Friday, November 01, 2013

Anticipation and its Rewards

Next week, Tuesday November 5, is the formal book launch date for How Dare You Manage? Seven Principles to Close the CEO Skill Gap. And while I’ve been working on my presentation for the launch event, I have been reflecting on the concept of “anticipation”.
We look forward to so many things: the birth of a child, a wedding, a birthday, a special anniversary, the completion of a long-term project. My book falls into the latter as I can scarcely believe, as I stroll by the boxes of HDYM copies in the Forrest office, that the day has finally arrived.
The word “anticipation” comes from the Latin anticipare: to take care of ahead of time. Management is all about anticipation. It’s about not leaving things to chance, about planning ahead and taking into consideration all eventualities. With good management in place, companies reap the rewards of projects delivered on time and within budget. When managerial principles are applied consistently, from the top down, and are espoused with vigor and passion by all managers, organizations thrive. Employees look forward to coming to work because they are confident in the abilities of their manager and know what is expected of them.
Ask yourself: do you work under a manager who does take care of things ahead of time? And if you are a CEO, what’s your level of anticipation?
Nick Forrest