But this descent to obscurity may not be what it seems. For
throughout this apparent debacle, his approval ratings have remained stable.
What is Mayor Ford’s leadership magic that enables him to hold onto, and even
increase, his support despite the litany of follies?
He appears gifted in representing himself as a leader of his
supporters’ values. Rob Ford clearly has the ability to elicit understanding
and empathy from a considerable swathe of voters, allowing them to look beyond
his obvious missteps. His followers have even coined the description “Ford
Nation” to describe themselves. This “nation” is his backbone of support and
Mr. Ford has shown brilliant leadership in keeping it solidly behind him. I
personally don’t understand what his royal jelly is, but leaders connect with
their followers, gain their support, and point the way forward; Ford Nation has
firmly connected with its leader and follows him faithfully.
One last thought: we can draw parallels between Ford Nation
and London during the Blitz in WW2. Any nation under sustained bombardment
tends to pull together and harden its heart against the attacker – in Mayor
Ford’s case, a very persistent, unforgiving media. Until the bombing stops,
Ford Nation will hold fast in supporting their man. Is Rob Ford the Churchill
of Ford Nation?
Nick Forrest